Saturday, February 7, 2009

A bangin' body


It's time for a change because I'm not pleased with the way I am. I know I should be happy with the body God gave me blah blah blah, but I'm doing this not only because I want the figure I used to have, but also because I want to be healthy. Don't get me wrong. I don't want to be paper thin. I definitely still want meat on me! haha. So my goal is to lose 20 lbs. by June 25. I think it's pretty realistic considering I don't exercise much. lol. & I definitely don't mind looking like Katy Perry (no surprise). haha. But seriously, I've been telling Jsun for months now that I want a body like hers. Wish me luck. NO excuses!


Friday, February 6, 2009

I know it's been a while.


It's finally Friday! I swear, the weekends go by so quickly now that I have school 5x a week. At least I have fun while I'm there. My first module is officially complete after my final exam on Monday. Time flew by in a blink of an eye. That's all I've really been up to the past month. School, school, and SCHOOL!

So last night I was talking with Calee and we came up with a lot of games for the baby shower. It's going to be fun. I think she's coming over next week to try and find a place to hold it so I'm super excited to see her and little baby Dylan! I swear, I'm almost as excited as Calee and Mark are with this pregnancy thing. I just freakin LOVE babies. I can't believe she's only got 3 more months left. Oh Jsun and I are going to be at her ultrasound next Saturday too. I haven't been to one of those since my mom was preggos with my sister about 12 years ago. I told Calee that I'd take video shots of the proud parents and the proud grandparents. That should be fun.

Last week, Alex (as most of you know is my Foff) and I went to the Wiltern in LA and saw the lovely Katy Perry perform. I FREAKIN LOVE THAT GIRL. I had so much fun that night....not so much during the afternoon though. We were so damn lazy. LOL. We didn't want to move to get ready and neither of us had taken shower yet. Both of us took our sweet ass time & we were already running late. The doors opened at 7 and we were still at my house at 6:45, but of course we had time to camera whore before we left. hahaha. The drive was a pain. I seriously told Foff "I swear this concert feels more like a chore rather than for pleasure." But seriously, in the end after Foff had a few shots of alcohol in her system, we had a BLAST. Katy had the funniest stories in between songs and I will clarify that she is a great live performer. Very entertaining for sure. She is the cutest thing ever. So bouncy and playful on stage... and oh my gosh sooo SEXY! I'm down to have a bod like hers. OH YEAH! So by the time we got to the parking lot, Foff and I were kinda iffy about our outfits for the show because Jomar and JP were making fun of us since we were both wearing animal print. Then we see these 2 girls dressed in these tiny little black dresses and super high heels. One of them was wearing neon pink fish net stockings up to her knees. hahaha. We were both like "Uhhh.. I'm glad we didn't come dressed like that!" That's not even the worst part of it. As we were walking towards the elevator to get to the venue, the girls were walking in front of us, and little miss pink neon's skirt from the back was just... Let's put it this way. I was speechless. haha. Okay guys, do you remember Christina Aguilera's video for "Dirty"? She had her super mini skirt and you can see the bottoms of her butt. Now picture that on a girl that's a little bigger with cellulite on her tooshie and a mini skirt that revealed half her ass. I'm not exaggerating... I saw half her butt!! & I believe she was wearing a thong (at least i hope she was wearing something under her skirt) because all I saw was bare BUTT. haha. Not so cute. It was so obvious because I'm sure we weren't the only ones that saw that. lol. People at the bar, people waiting in line for refreshments, people passing by... even the people that check your bags as you walk in were staring and smirking!! By the way, JP and Jomar, Katy Perry was wearing animal print on stage too so HA! lol.

Well, I'm sorry this was kind of long and boring, but in the words of Miss Perry "Next time it'll be more fun and fruity!" So I will leave you all with her final performance that evening. ENJOY!